  Klaus Schulze - The Works  

Auf Deutsch

For my own use I store all discographical data about Klaus Schulze in my computer. If you are interested, these data are also available to you: The Works includes a chronicle of all musical activities by Klaus Schulze; from the very early times around 1969 up to more contemporary days, with nearly month to month reports, providing something was recorded. It shows how much Klaus with his driving musical and personal energy has done for his crazy ideas and music during the past quarter of a century. He paved the path for all who followed in "Electronic Music".

I can send you the most recent edition of The Works. You'll get a fresh printout from my computer files, in a booklet format. It's written in English, has 280 pages, the size is A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), and it's laser-printed. The Works includes:
Some Explanations p. 4-5

Main Discography pp. 6-187

varia et curiosa:

Own Labels p. 189
Produced, Recorded or Mixed Onlyp. 190
Dedications & Adoptions pp. 191-193
Curiosities, Robberies & Odditiespp. 194-196
Various Films & TVpp. 197-198
Index (Names) pp. 199-202
Index (Titles) pp. 203-215

Registers ... brief and to the point:

Albums A-Z pp. 217-229
Labels A-Z pp. 232-242
Illegal Releases p. 243
Samplers A-Z pp. 244-246
Soundtracks A-Z p. 246
All Concerts in Short pp. 247-253
Moving Pictures, Videos in Shortpp. 254-256
Released Interviewsp. 257
Free CD-Rs released by "The KS Circle"pp. 258-259
Explanation of Some Titles pp. 260-262
"Wrong" Titles pp. 263-264
Short Biography pp. 265-267
Klaus' Studio & Instruments pp. 268-269
Bibliography pp. 270-274
All Solo Albums p. 275

and some pics.

You can download a three-page sample in PDF format.

Note: The Works is not available as an "electronic version" but just as a book. Please contact kdm for conditions. More detailed info about The Works and the other books about KS: https://jeeves.blogger.de/stories/2673276.
